
DIY: Homemade Pore Strips

In Beauty and Hair on December 9, 2011 at 4:00 pm
There’s something strangely satisfying about pulling a pore strip off your face and examining the results. In fact, that feeling can become a little addictive. While there is no shame in it, satisfying the addition easily turns into a costly endeavor. Whether you’re a pore strip junkie or simply want an easy and cost efficient way to remove dead skin and built-up blackheads, try creating your own strips. You’ll save money and won’t have to worry about a trip to the store the next time you feel like cleaning your pores.
Things You’ll Need:
* Honey
* Milk
* Microwave-safe bowl
* Microwave or stove
* Cotton ball/makeup brush
1. Combine 1 tbsp. honey with 1 1/2 tbsp. milk in a microwave-safe bowl.
2. Microwave the mixture for 10 seconds or until it is warm, but not hot. You can also use a stovetop if a microwave is unavailable.
3. Apple the mixture with a cotton ball (or makeup brush) on your nose, chin, cheeks or wherever you’d like to clean. If you use a makeup brush to apply the mixture, rinse the brush immediately.
4. Wait for 15 minutes for the mixture to dry into a sturdy film.
5. Peel the film off once it has completely dried. You’ll be able to see what was pulled out of your pores by looking at the strip.
If your on the go, you can always use Biore, but this a great way to save money.
-via Luuux/ photo credit 
  1. If there is one thing I dislike it has to be black head. Thanks for the homemade pore strips. I will be trying it out 🙂

  2. A great post 🙂 Will try it.. is dis also to remove blackheads? I have tiny-miny ones!if nt.. den pls share a post on homemade remedy abt blackheads. Thanks :)Now u can also follow me on Bloglovin.. New der 🙂 and Facebook tooLoveAkanksha

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